
Other tools than DialogDesigner exist which are meant to support the design and evaluation of spoken dialogue systems and which support Wizard of Oz (WOZ) simulation. Two such tools are Suede and the WOZ tool developed by Richard Breuer. IVR tools extended with recognition facilities, such as HotVoice from Dolphin, may also be seen as related work, as may spoken dialogue platforms like SpeechMania which was produced by Philips. The table below gives a rough comparison of which features are included in the mentioned tools.

Table: Tool comparison. +: Has feature. -: Does not have feature. ?: Unknown. *: In pipeline.
Feature DialogDesigner Suede Breuer HotVoice SpeechMania
graph view + + + + -
graph design * + - + -
structured prompts + - - (+)1 +
record prompts - - (+)3 - +
play prompts * + + + -
speech recognition - - (+)3 (+)2 (+)2
log analysis + + - - -
regression test * -? (+)3   +
debug - - (+)3 + +
WOZ + + + - -
make test scripts + (+)4 - - -
phrase list + - (+)3 - +
prompt list + - - - -
code generation * - + + +
standard dialogues - - - (+) +
state conditions + - - - +

1 Must be coded
2 Has recognition as part of the running system but recognition cannot be tested during simulation.
3 By using SpeechMania tools on generated code.
4 Must be transcribed.